
April 14, 2014

I think I can say with full confidence that this last week was the best week of my mission up to date. I LOVE being with Sis. White and I LOVE working hard and being together, it's just so much awesome I can't even handle it. 

I forgot my planner, prandaj, I don't remember anything that's happened in my life. Ug. Okay, I'm gonna try!

We have 333333333 ... woa, calm down sticky keyboard .... we have 3, yes, only 3, not that other number... people on baptismal date which is super awesome. Not to mention THEY are super awesome. Two are sisters that are just the best ever and make me laugh so so hard. We went over this last week and they decided to give us manicures and then hair things... and then jewelry... and then clothes... they were just going through their closet and giving us stuff they didn't want anymore, slightly awkward, more hilarious. They wouldn't take no for an answer! It just kept on coming! hahaha oh boy... 

Oh! I am officially a missionary! I have destroyed my first pair of shoes! hahahaha That was a joke if you didn't catch onto my laughing ;)

A smelly, gross, dirty homeless man tried to kiss Sis. White... that was ... awkward.

Okay, that's all I can remember. How is that possible? We live crazy busy lives and all I can remember are 3 things... bleh. Sorry friends haha

My thought for the day.
Read the full one, that's the one that I read, the link is at the top.
The part that really hit me was this... "I am convinced that personal prayer is one of the most significant challenges facing members of the Church, particularly youth and young adults. And because they struggle with prayer, they struggle spiritually."

I was thinking about that when I read 2 Nephi 32:3-5. I love how it says that we should feast on the the words of Christ and that they will tell us all things that we should do. Then, if we don't understand, we should ask God and then the Holy Ghost will show us all things that we should do. It really emphasized how important not only searching the scriptures is, but seeking understanding from the spirit through personal prayer. He then goes on in the chapter how prayer is so essential to us and that we should pray always (there is so much doctrine, so much to learn from this chapter... you should really read and study it. And also 31... and also 32 and 33... and also the whole Book of Mormon.)
I have such a testimony of this. When I feel close to God, my prayers are more meaningful and sincere. When my prayers are weak, I feel equally distanced from the Father.

"Prayer is an essential and enabling spiritual link between God and man. Without prayer, there is no possible return to the Father. Without prayer, sufficient faith to understand and keep the commandments is impossible. Without prayer, the necessary spiritual power to avoid temptation and overcome trials and adversity would be unavailable. Without prayer, repentance, forgiveness and the cleansing power of the Atonement are unattainable. With the power of personal prayer, all things are possible.
Prayer enables personal revelation and spiritual gifts through the Holy Ghost. It is the spiritual channel made available to all God’s children, giving us constant access to our Eternal Father, His Beloved Son, and the Holy Ghost. Prayer is powerful and compelling evidence of the reality of God the Eternal Father. Personal prayer is indispensable to understanding God and our divine identity."
I have such a testimony of prayer. Real, sincere prayer is work. Hard work. But it is rewarding. It connects us to our Heavenly Father, it reminds us who we really are, it helps us to learn truth and feel the spirit stronger than ever. If you aren't putting forth the effort to pray with all your heart, do it. It's worth it.
Much love!
Motra Russell
Went to some botanical gardens today, it was pretty fun :)

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